Goal for the Day: Kinney Lakes Since I had stopped short the day before, I knew this would be a…
Goal for the day: Noble Lake While I didn’t have a direct view of the sunrise, the light from it…
Goal for the Day: Murray Canyon Area My original itinerary had me reaching Asa Lake on the third day of…
Goal for the day: Get as far up the trail as possible. Day 11 started well, with some nice color…
So after being unable to continue beyond Tilden Lake or being able to restart my PCT section hike in July,…
After reaching Hetch Hetchy, my journey was not yet over. My Jeep was at Tuolumne Meadows. 25 miles as the…
Morning came and I started the climb up to Moraine Ridge after breakfast. Still feeling down due to the decision…
Goal for the day: Reach Dorothy Lake Pass Unfortunately, I awoke to the smell of smoke and a haze in…
Goal for the day: Get to Tilden Lake I was feeling pretty good that I was only a day behind…
Goal for the day: Nothing in particular, just try to hike as far as I could. I crawled out of…