Goal for the day: Get as far up the trail as possible.
Day 11 started well, with some nice color from the sunrise as I ate breakfast and packed up my gear.

There wasn’t a particular goal I had in mind for this day, just to get as far up the trail as possible. Hopefully, after starting the climb up from the other side of the canyon.
As I started down further into the canyon, I saw a good camping area after about a half mile.
Figures. 🙂
Anyway, I continued down along the East Fork of the Carson River until I reached the part where the trail climbed up a steep ridge.

It wasn’t a difficult climb, but seemed to take forever. After reaching the top, I reached the last likely water for about 5 miles and filled up. The campsite near the creek wasn’t that attractive, so I continued along the trail.
Shortly after, I found a nice campsite a little off the trail. It didn’t have much of a view, but was nice over all. It ended up being a short day mile-wise, but a long day time-wise. I was a little worried, but sometimes you start treks off slowly (especially with a full pack).
After dinner, I settled in for a nice sleep.

Goal successful!!
6.5 miles (6.5 miles on PCT)
8 hours on the trail
11 total miles hiked on this section of the PCT
64 miles to go until Echo Lake
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