Goal for the day: Get as far as I can along the trail

Before dawn, I had a chance to take some pictures of the night sky. Always a wonderful sight on the trail that you can’t get when near city lights.

The next major landmark for the trail was Chimney Creek, but that was 16 miles away. So, I just needed to get partway there. There were several sources of water between 5 and 6 miles ahead, then nothing until Chimney Creek. So, I’ll have to be ready for a 10 mile stretch without water again. I set my sights on a ridge line in the middle and started hiking north, yet again.

Sadly for my legs, there was a climb at the start of the hike, a descent, and then an even steeper climb to get to that ridge. Such was hiking on the PCT.

The hike was unremarkable, but I still enjoyed the views as I went. It was a nice mix of terrains. Surprisingly, I was passed by the same woman who had first passed me on day one when I had settled down into my tent. Not sure how she got behind me since I’m usually the slowest hiker on the trail. I must have passed her when she was off trail somewhere.

After the short descent, I began the steep climb up towards the ridge line. I passed several water sources until I was close to the last one and then filled up on a full 7 liters. It would have to last me the 10 miles without water until I reached Chimney Creek.

Why not wait until the last water source on the map? Trail info indicated the last possible source might not be flowing reliably, so best not to take a chances and get the water that was right in front of me while I could. Better safe than dead of dehydration in the high desert.

Not sure if it was the weight of the added water or just being tired from the long day, but I almost gave up and camped before reaching the ridge I was aiming for. As usual when I had doubts about continuing, I rested and considered my choices.

This time, I pushed forwards and upwards. After an eternity, I reached the ridge line and took a moment to rest and check my progress. Not as far as I’d like, but maybe far enough. There was a spot a mile and half ahead long the ridge line that had campsites and reported great views.

But the late hour (it was almost 6pm) made the choice obvious to my very tired body. The area I had already reached had several campsites next to the PCT trail, but I decided to climb up the hillside a bit and found a spot that had a little more panoramic view of the area. As I setup my tent and had dinner, I enjoyed the last rays of the sun as it set to the west.

Several more PCT hikers reached the ridge and settled into the campsites below me, several sleeping ‘cowboy style’ (just a tarp, foam mattress, or air mattress on the ground and a sleeping bag on top). Not something I think I could handle. Even if the insects hadn’t been that bad so far on this hike, there were enough of them that I’d hate to have to sleep outside like that.

Must have a great view of the stars above though. 🌌😎

Goal for the day: Successful!

Day 3 – 8.5 miles – 11 hours
PCT section G – 20.75 trail miles out of 115 total miles

(mileage and time approximate and based on GPS tracks which may not be exact and include diversions from the trail)

PCT Section G Day 3 Highlights
PCT Section G Day 3 Photos