After my two failures on section G of the PCT, I took a break (went back to work) for a week, then tried another trek.

This time, I wanted to finish the last part of section I that I was unable to finish the year before. It should be easier than the two section G hikes I aborted. So, I set my sights on starting at Sonora Pass and heading south on the PCT until I reached Tilden Lake. That was where I had aborted my trek last year due to being low on food and smoke from nearby fires were making the skies hazy and possibly unhealthy.

Goal for the day: Reach the ridge

Starting from Sonora Pass should be easier in the long run. The alternate would be to start at Hetch Hetchy and go north from there, but that would require more climbing over the course of the hike.

Unfortunately, starting from Sonora Pass meant starting with a long climb up to the ridge that Leavitt Peak was part of. Water was scarce on the ridge, so I’d have to have enough for the day’s hike and for dinner and breakfast. Fortunately, the temperature was mild and this part of the trail was all above 10,000 feet, so I shouldn’t have the heat problems that I had at Walker Pass.

I started around 9am and slowly made my way up the trail, passing some streams and waterfalls on the way.

I was nearing 2 miles into the climb when I slipped or stepped on a rock weirdly and twisted my ankle. After continuing, the ankle started hurting more and more. I stopped and took off my boot and saw some redness, but no swelling. I taped it up with some sport tape and gave it another try.

Before long, it became obvious that I couldn’t continue.

It wasn’t really practical to setup my tent in the area I was in and try staying a night there to see if I could continue, so I made the decision to abort back to the trailhead.

Fortunately, I had it checked when I got home and there was no break or serious injury, but it led to yet another hiking failure for me this year.

So, I didn’t even make it to the first night this time. Three strikes and you’re out…

Well… Labor Day is coming up, so maybe…

Total miles hiked: 4
Miles hiked one-way on PCT section I: 2

Goal: Failed 🙁

PCT Section I Photos and Movies