This was the primary hike I wanted to do during this weekend trip to Lake Tahoe and it was one of my first big accomplishments way back in 2012 when I was trying to get back in shape and discovering the joys of hiking. Then, it was my biggest achievement: 10 miles round trip and about 2,000 feet climbed. Sure, I’ve done much, much more harder hikes since then. Heck, my local ‘training’ mountain is Mt Diablo and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve done the 12 mile, 3,200 foot climb up that mountain.
So, this was mostly for the views, to continue testing out my new camera, and because it was there. 🙂
The first 4 miles are fairly straight forward hike along a ridge, through a meadow, and past an impressive waterfall.
It’s that last mile that kind of makes you wonder if it’s worth it. A few switchbacks, but well laid out and not too many.
When I reached the summit, I decided it was indeed worth it.
Spectacular view of the area. I could see Reno, the mountains surrounding Lake Tahoe, and the lake itself.
Did I mention the butterflies during my Castle Peak report? Yes, I did. There were more and a higher density of butterflies at the top of Mt Rose. It was hard to take pictures of them and movies of them, but I did manage to get some nice shots. Including a lucky shot of a chipmunk with a butterfly flying nearby. I’m not so good with wildlife pictures, but this was a nice one.

Then I explored the summit area. There was another high point nearby and some of the other hikers were asking which was the true summit. My GPS, the benchmarker, and my eyes confirmed the first high point was the true summit. It wasn’t obvious from the true summit, but when you went over to the other one it was obviously lower than the treu summit.
Still great view from there, as well.
Patting myself on the back for a good day’s hike, I made my way back to my Jeep and drove home. A nice weekend of hiking.
But the next hike will be a super challenge: Mt Williamson, Mt Tyndall, Mt Russell, and Mt Whitney (although I’d be satisfied if I just manage the first two).
Comments by WanderingJim
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